
Parco Naturale Regionale delle Dolomiti Friulane

Tramonti di Sopra Visitor Center

Specialties: Water
Via Villaggio 6 maggio
33090 Tramonti di Sopra (PN)
Municipality: Tramonti di Sopra
Region: Friuli Venezia Giulia

Inaugurated in 2008, the new Visitor Center in Tramonti di Sopra houses the exhibit "Acqua: natura, patrimonio, energia" (Water: Nature, Heritage, Energy).
The exhibit leads visitors to discover the values of water in the various scopes of life on the earth, including its exploitation as a source of energy.

Video Overview of the Exhibit

Video How much water do you have in your body?

Video How much water is consumed for...

Video Water Routes

The exhibit has mainly didactic purposes, and is dedicated to schools. However, it is also suitable for adults who can discover together with children the issues and games offered by the Visitor Center.
The route develops in two different areas: in the first hall, besides the relief model presenting the lake system of Val Tramontina, we can find some historical details told with the help of period photos illustrating how water was exploited in the past. A wall mechanism demonstrates the working of an hydroelectric power plant and explains its importance for the production of electric energy using the movement of water masses. It is possible to set in motion the mechanism manually through the simplified panel to have a practical demonstration of the turbine working.

Opening times: Exhibit "Acqua: natura, patrimonio, energia"
Opening hours and further info

Entrance fee: Admission free.

For groups, by previous booking: Tel. +39 0427 87333.
Tramonti di Sopra Visitor Center
Tramonti di Sopra Visitor Center
Tramonti di Sopra Visitor Center
Tramonti di Sopra Visitor Center
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