
Parco Naturale Regionale delle Dolomiti Friulane

Erto e Casso e la valle del Vajont/Erto e Casso and the valley of Vajont

Information brochure about Erto and Casso and the Vajont valley, in Italian and English, with information about: Visitor Center, historical features, natural features and events..
  • Publisher: Parco Dolomiti Friulane
  • Pages: 10
  • Size: 10,5 x21 cm
  • Price: 1.00 €  
  • Text language:
Erto e Casso e la valle del Vajont/Erto e Casso and the valley of Vajont
Erto e Casso e la valle del Vajont/Erto e Casso and the valley of Vajont
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