
Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise

Snowshoeing on the Biscurri Plateau, in the presence of Mount Meta

A day with snowshoes in the great snowy spaces of the highlands at high altitude

Sunday 31 December 2023 from 10:00 to 16:30

A truly spectacular snowshoe hike to fully enjoy the magical winter landscapes. We will climb inside the beech forest until we reach the edge of the woods, at an altitude of about 1700 meters, to see the magnificent scenery of the Meta mountains open up to our eyes in their winter guise. It is here that the vast karst plateau of the Biscurri, the Vi'scurj in local dialect, begins, which develops between 1700 meters and 1900 meters above sea level: the sinkholes that form it, shaped by the weight of ancient glaciers and the strength of the waters generated by their melting, are crowned by the majestic peaks over 2200 meters of Monte Meta, Monte Tartaro, Cima Biscurri and Monte Miele and form a majestic landscape, capable of transmitting the grandeur and strength of the mountain.


  • Percorri un itinerario invernale maestoso del Parco d'Abruzzo 
  • Ammira un paesaggio di grande bellezza durante il percorso, camminando tra faggi e luminose praterie di alta quota
  • Osserva il territorio in cerca delle tracce degli animali selvatici con l'aiuto della guida e ascolta le sue interessanti spiegazioni.

It is necessary to book by the day before the date of the excursion

📞349 3938773 (Jessica D'Andrea-english and french speaking guide)


📆 Online Booking >>

Towns: Alfedena (AQ), Barrea (AQ), Pizzone (IS)
Province: L'Aquila, Isernia Region: Abruzzo, Molise
Organization: JD Trek
Info Email: Info Line: 3493938773
Snowshoeing on the Biscurri Plateau, in the presence of Mount Meta
Where to sleep in:
Where to eat in:
Alfedena, Barrea
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