
Parco Nazionale dell'Arcipelago di La Maddalena

Secca di Spargi (Washington)

  • Trail Conditions: Diving

    The site
    Also called Secca Washington (Washington Shoal), it is formed by a large rocky relief whose top lies at 6 meters from the surface.
    It consists of huge granite blocks, eroded in aerial environment, surrounded by boulders, landslides, tafoni, and depressions that in the deepest points reach the 25m. The possible itineraries, several and varied, branch off from the four buoys anchored to the seabed, situated at about 4m from the surface, well visible if weather conditions are fine.

    Main features
    The characteristic contrast between illuminated areas, covered by formations of photophilic seaweed, and the shady areas, where thousands of multicolored animal organisms collect, is the thread of the diving activity together with the abundance and variety of fish. The big groupers, brown meagers, white seabreams, common dentexes, and barracudas are rather confident and are easily approachable. In the shady areas, the most widespread protected area is the sponge Aplysina cavernicola, characteristic of the environments with scarce light, while the population of red gorgonians enriches the landscape with its colonies settled at the greatest depths.

    Secca di Spargi - Blue Itinerary
    Secca di Spargi - Blue Itinerary
    Brown grouper
    Brown grouper
    Meeting a grouper
    Meeting a grouper
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