
Parco Nazionale dell'Arcipelago di La Maddalena

Scoglio di Spargiotto

  • Trail Conditions: Diving

    The site
    A big submerged relief, whose top lies at 3m from the surface, slopes down in crags towards the depth, divided into two parts by a ravine with a sandy bottom whose deepest point lies at 26m. At the foot of the relief, big granite boulders alternate with patches of Posidonia and detritus, while on the rock there are forms of erosion like tafoni, deep cracks, and underwater landslides.
    From the buoys situated at 5m of depth, several itineraries branch off.

    Main features
    Thick shoals of salema porgies, white seabreams, and damselfish populate the granite rocks, while the characteristic points of the site are situated in the transition areas between the illuminated and the shady areas influenced by the characteristic shapes of the tafoni rocks and the exposure.
    Widespread on the relief there are the seaweed Caulerpa racemosa and populations of gorgonians, characterizing the site.
    Among the protected species, a discontinuous grassland of Posidonia is worth a mention: it is set in detritus areas between the rocks and on the bottom. Also here it is possible to meet big specimens of particularly confident groupers.

    Scoglio di Spargiotto - Blue Itinerary
    Scoglio di Spargiotto - Blue Itinerary
    Scoglio di Spargiotto, The characteristic formation of photophilic seaweeds in the illuminated areas covers the green seaweed Caulerpa racemosa
    Scoglio di Spargiotto, The characteristic formation of photophilic seaweeds in the illuminated areas covers the green seaweed Caulerpa racemosa
    Scoglio di Spargiotto, Eunicella singularis is one of the main features of the site
    Scoglio di Spargiotto, Eunicella singularis is one of the main features of the site
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