
Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona, Campigna

Regina di Londa Peach

Regina di Londa peach has unknown origins. The first information about it date back to the 1950s, when it was accidentally discovered by Alfredo Leoni from Londa: after analyzing its features, he understood the commercial importance it could gain as a late cultivar. An abundant blooming completed by an excellent fructification and a good resistance to the oidium (a pathogenic fungus of the peach tree) transformed it into an excellent fruit for Mugello hills. Moreover, its ripening takes place in the second ten days of September, a particular period, since it is the only white pulp cultivar on the market of Florence in late September. The importance of this kind of peach has not changed in the Municipality of Londa and every year, in September, there is an important town festival dedicated to it.

Current Production Area in the Park



It is a very sweet-scented fruit, it is rather big and round-shaped, slightly flattened at its poles; it is white - light green, with red veining. The pulp is white with red veining near the stone, it is compact, very sweet, and flavored.

Product Seasonality

You can appreciate this product only in September and October.

The Producers
Typology: Agricultural Holdings
Locality: Londa (FI)
Typology: Agricultural Holdings
Locality: Londa (FI)
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