
From the Pass Bridge - Dascio Lake to the Sasso di Dascio panoramic point

  • Trail Conditions: On foot
  • Interest: Wildlife, Bird Watching, Geology, Panorama
  • Duration: 2 hour/s
  • Recommended Period: from January to March, from November to December

It is a short and comfortable route that allows you to admire a good part of the territory of the protected area and to closely observe many of the aquatic birds that populate it.
It is possible to park the car near the
Ponte del Passo, to take the road that leads to the town of Dascio. Following the stretch of the Mera river that connects Lake Mezzola to that of Como you reach the town of Dascio, a point where the river widens to form the small lake of the same name.
This area is inhabited by a numerous and varied aquatic birdlife.
Depending on the seasons, you can observe: the Anatidae intent on fishing, the courtship ritual of the grebes, the first dives of the young ones just out of the nest, or the cormorants drying their large wings in the sun perched on the branches emerging from the water. The most expert eyes can also identify rather rare guests such as the goosander or the shelduck. The observations are often interrupted by the noisy flight of mute swans who now nest in large numbers in the area. Continuing the journey, the route moves away from the banks and, passing through the town of Dascio, goes up to the
"Sasso", a panoramic point from which you have a broad view of the entire territory of the Reserve, of which you can observe the morphology and understand its formation.

  • Duration of the route: 2 hours
  • Best time to visit: November - March


From the Pass Bridge - Dascio Lake to the Sasso di Dascio panoramic point
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