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(Francavilla di Sicilia, 04 Feb 13) The conference entitled "La valorizzazione dei parchi e delle riserve naturali in Sicilia" (Enhancement of Sicily's Parks and Nature Reserves) and organized by the Lions 108 Yb District within the club's annual activities took place in Taormina. Throughout the day the activitie...
Protected area: PR Alcantara  |  Fonte: PR Alcantara
I lavori del Convegno nella Chiesa di S. Francesco di Paola
I lavori del Convegno nella Chiesa di S. Francesco di Paola
(Francavilla di Sicilia, 16 Gen 13) 2013 begins with the prestigious purpose of including the Park on the UNESCO World Heritage list: in the last few days a visit to the territory was carried out to evaluate the huge material and immaterial heritage of Alcantara Park's territory, and to define the procedures of inscription. ...
Protected area: PR Alcantara  |  Fonte: PR Alcantara
The process to include the Alcantara Park on the UNESCO sites list has started
(Francavilla di Sicilia, 07 Dic 12) In December 6, 2013 the first meeting between the President Bruno De Vita and the environmentalist associations took place in Francavilla to define a common way to protect and safeguard the Alcantara's ecosystem. In the presence of the representatives of the Italian Alpine Club (Giambat...
Protected area: PR Alcantara  |  Fonte: PR Alcantara
Alcantara Park meets the environmentalist associations
Collaboration agreement signed
(Francavilla di Sicilia, 23 Nov 12) Alcantara's promotional activities in full swing for the tourist enhancement of the territory through the associations. An agreement protocol between the Park Authority and the Italian Pro Loco National Union was in fact signed in Francavilla in order to increase the tourist information...
Protected area: PR Alcantara  |  Fonte: PR Alcantara
Da sinistra: De Vita, La Spina e Gentile
Da sinistra: De Vita, La Spina e Gentile
Earth Week 2012
(Comuni del Parco, 14 Giu 12) The "Earth Week 2012" is a national initiative promoted by GeoItalia Italian Federation of Earth Sciences Onlus to spread the geological scientific culture and make the local Communities aware of the research's themes and of the scientific discoveries. Within the week it will be possible ...
Protected area: PR Alcantara  |  Fonte: PR Alcantara
The Alcantara Park informs...
Pilot Committee and Technical Committee - Larissa (Thessaly -Greece) 1-2 March 2011
(Francavilla di Sicilia, 15 Mar 11) On 1st and 2nd March 2011, in Larissa (Thessaly - Greece), there was a meeting of the Pilot Committee and the Technical Committee of the Free-Med Project, the Park is a Partner of together with other river protected areas situated in countries north of the Alps. During the meeting, the indicators of...
Protected area: PR Alcantara  |  Fonte: PR Alcantara
Pilot Committee meeting
Pilot Committee meeting
24th May 1909 - 24th May 2009: 100 Years of Parks in Europe
(06 Mag 09) The European Day of Parks will be celebrated on 24th May and, as every year, the initiative of the European Federation of Parks repeats itself, to remind the day when in 1909 the first European park was established in Sweden. This date has without a doubt a great symbolic value, and for this reason ...
Protected area: Diverse  |  Fonte: Redazione
The European Day of Parks 2009
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