
Products: Sweets

The Products of Aspromonte

The food products of Aspromonte are linked to the local breeding and agricultural tradition: the crumbly wheat bread cooked in the wood-burning oven, capocollo, a cold cut obtained from the pork shoulder and loin, pappaluni beans, and Aspromonte potatoes. Among cheese, Limina goat cheese, smoked ricotta cheese, and the so-called canestraio. And again, torrone filled with almonds, honey, extra-virgin olive oil, passito Greek wine produced in a small area of the Municipality of Gerace, outside the area of Greco di Bianco DOC.

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In Calabria, both hard and soft nougats are produced (among them, the so-called cumpittu, covered by a thick stratum of sesame seeds called with a word deriving from the Arab, giuggiulena). For the production of these sweets, Bagnara Calabra is particularly...
Category: Sweets
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