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The Straolgio bivouac is not accessible
(Vogogna, 08 October 2019) The Park authority informs that the Alpe Straolgio bivouac is not accessible. In recent days, the bivouac door has been left open, allowing the entrance and stay of a flock of goats in the building, thus making the structure not accessible....
The Park's bivouacs are closed to hikers from 5th to 9th August
(Vogogna, 30 July 2019) The following bivouacs will not be available for the hikers in the places:Colma di Premosello: the night between Agoust 5th and 6thOne of the bivouacs at Alpe In La Piana: from August 6th to 8th.One of bivouacs at Alpe Mottac: the...
From Monday 17th to Friday 21th June 2019
(Vogogna, 14 June 2019) With ordinance no. 75 of 13th June 2019, the Province of Verbano Cusio Ossola ORDERS the closure of SP road no. 90 Rovegro - Cicogna for works from 17th to 21th June 2019, 8.00 a.m.- 12.00 a.m. and...
Tomorrow the National Hiking Week will start
(Vogogna, 07 June 2019) Tomorrow the 21st edition of the Club Alpino Italiano National Hiking Week will start. From 8th to 16th June the Val Grande National Park organizes many excursions and events with the Coordination of East Monte Rosa Sections, Val Grande National...
(Vogogna, 31 May 2019) The Municipality of Premosello, with Decree no 6/2019 has forbidden the transit of vehicles and pedestrians along the Alpe Lut - Alpe La Piana track on June 3rd from 7.30 a.m. This closure is necessary to allow the security work of...
The Comuniterrae project wins the EUROPEAN HERITAGE AWARD/Europa Nostra AWARD 2019
(Vogogna, 21 May 2019) The "Comuniterrae. Mappe di Comunità Culturali di Paesaggi Alpini nel Parco Nazionale della Val Grande" (Comuniterrae. Maps of Cultural Communities of Alpine Landscapes in the Val Grande National Park) project is among the four Italian...
(Vogogna, 24 September 2018) The Park indicates some updates for the PSR 751 - Via GeoAlpina project.- bivouac at La Colma Mountain: works ended, bivouac practicable again;- bivouac at Pian di Boit: works ended, bivouac practicable again;- bivouac at Scaredi Mountain: works...
ATTENTION! Works in progress at Val Grande National Park
Open building sites in September and October
(Vogogna, 04 September 2018) In September, at Val Grande National Park, works are starting, in according to PSR 751 – Via GeoAlpina project. Hence, it has to be signalled that: from the 6th to the 24th September, in working days, the path alpe...
(Vogogna, 26 July 2018) Considering the huge amount, on the Net, of videos taken inside the Park with drones, we signal that inside the protected area it is strictly forbidden to fly over with non-authorized vehicles, according to the Framework Law 394/91. Specific...
ATTENTION!!! The path Ponte Casletto-Ponte Velina, a little beyond the Enel barrier, is interrupted because of a LANDSLIDE.
(Vogogna, 11 June 2018) The path Ponte Casletto-Ponte Velina, a little beyond the Enel barrier, is interrupted because of a LANDSLIDE.Velina could be reached from Cicogna through Cascè-Montuzza-Uggiola or from Orvergugno-Scellina-junction under Basseno-Ponte...
Snow is still abundant on the ridges and north-facing slopes
Walking on Sentiero Bove is not recommended
(Vogogna, 27 April 2017) Warning! New snow in Val Grande. Wood exhausted at Scaredi bivouac. We inform hikers that snow is still abundant on the ridges and north-facing slopes, also because of new snowfalls in the last few days. Moreover, today and tomorrow the...
Warning! Snow on the ridges and north-facing slopes. Wood exhausted at Scaredi bivouac.
(Vogogna, 13 April 2017) We inform hikers that snow is still abundant on the ridges and north-facing slopes. In particular, and considering that the Park authority was repeatedly asked for information on the matter, we advise not to walk on Sentiero Bove. On the contrary,...
Fishing in the Park: fishing permits available
(Vogogna, 29 March 2017) We inform that fishing permits (“Tesserini per l’esercizio della pesca”) are available in Vogogna at the Park offices (Piazza Pretorio 6, side entrance from Vicolo Santa Marta) and at the headquarters of the Carabinieri command...
The bivouac Alpe Ragozzale is not usable
(Vogogna, 25 August 2015) The Park Authority announces that the bivouac Alpe Ragozzale is not usable. The bivouac's door was left open in the last weeks, and this permitted the entrance and the stay of a sheep...
Park's bivouacs: beginning of the routine maintenance works in the bivouacs La Colma, In La Piana, Bocchetta di Campo and Scaredi
(Vogogna, 26 June 2015) The Park Authority informs users that the routine maintenance works will soon start in some bivouacs (Alpe La Colma, Alpe Scaredi, Alpe In La Piana, Bocchetta di Campo). During the works (daytime) the bivouacs will not be available, at night-time...
(Vogogna, 29 January 2015) Have you had enough of the city and would like to get up close with the wild? Would you like to observe chamois, golden eagles and others elusive species in their habitat? Have you ever hiked in the largest wilderness area...
(Vogogna, 26 March 2014) UPDATE OF APRIL 16TH, 2014The impossibility to reach the Val Grande from Ossola, Vigezzo and Cannobina persists due to the snow level and the snowslides. The slopes in the shade of the southern area are covered with snow too. We advise...
Useful Information for Hikers
Attention, please: except in the outer ridge areas, in Val Grande it is almost impossible to use mobile phones
(Vogogna, 29 October 2013) Since the Park is a wild and impracticable area, hikers, above all hikers who do not know the valley, should go along the trails - some of which difficult, dangerous and without trail markers - with the...
Sesia-Val Grande Geopark now a reality
Ceremony for the announcement of the new geoparks of the European and world network
(Vogogna, 09 September 2013) The ceremony for the announcement of the new geoparks of the European and world network took place on the 5th of September within the Asclepio sanctuary in the ancient town of Velia, in the Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni National...
Vada' Bivouac temporarily closed
(Vogogna, 01 July 2013) The Park Authority informs you that the Pian Vada' Bivouac will not be available from 30th June to 20th July 2013 (in any case until the works end) due to the installation of the photovoltaic system and the taking of safety...
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