The portal about parks in Italy



PAT - Traditional Agri-Foodstuffs   


Production Area: La Spezia Gulf

Product Description: Mussel farming in S. Teresa farming structure, where mussels are cleaned thanks to ozonized - and therefore sterile - sea water, maintaining their taste unchanged. Thanks to natural factors, the mussels from La Spezia have always distinguished themselves from all the others. In order to safeguard and enhance this product, the PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) has been requested for "Mitili del Golfo della Spezia".

Logo PR Montemarcello Magra
PR Montemarcello Magra

Further Categories
of Products in the Park:

Sweets, Cheese, Fruit, Honey, Oil, Vegetables and Legumes, Bread, Fish, Autochthonous Breed and Meat, Rice Pasta and Cereals, Cold Cuts, Wine

List of the Producers: