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    Marmitte dei Giganti (RdR fiume Sarca - basso corso) (photo by Rete di Riserve Basso Sarca)

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167 Itineraries. Results from no. 1 to no. 20Sorting: Georef. > Itinerary


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Georef. ItineraryTravelling method Interest
Map with georeferenced itineraryA. From Trento to Vigolo BaselgaA. From Trento to Vigolo Baselga
Departure: Trento - Doss Trento
(RdR Bondone)
On foot On foot
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Wildlife Great interest: Panorama 
Map with georeferenced itineraryA. Stoppani Geological PathA. Stoppani Geological Path
(Parco Fluviale Sarca)
On foot On foot
Great interest: Geology 
Map with georeferenced itineraryA. Stoppani Geological PathA. Stoppani Geological Path
(RdR fiume Sarca - basso corso)
On foot On foot
Great interest: Geology 
Map with georeferenced itineraryALPIEDI: Ledro Alps TrekALPIEDI: Ledro Alps Trek
Five days on the rocks surrounding the splendid Ledro valley
Departure: Storo
(RdR Alpi Ledrensi)
On foot On foot
Map with georeferenced itineraryArcioni Bivouac - Pernici RefugeArcioni Bivouac - Pernici Refuge
Departure: Bivacco Arcioni
3 Lap: ALPIEDI: Ledro Alps Trek
(RdR Alpi Ledrensi)
On foot On foot
about 5 hours
Map with georeferenced itineraryB. SoprasassoB. Soprasasso
Departure: Trento - Loc. Vela
(RdR Bondone)
On foot On foot
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Wildlife Great interest: Geology Great interest: Panorama Great interest: History 
Map with georeferenced itineraryBlue trail: Bocca del Creer - San Valentino - Pra AlpesinaBlue trail: Bocca del Creer - San Valentino - Pra Alpesina
Departure: Bocca del Creer
(Parco Locale del Monte Baldo)
On foot On foot
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Panorama 
Map with georeferenced itineraryBocca del Creer, Malga Campo, Monte Altissimo RouteBocca del Creer, Malga Campo, Monte Altissimo Route
Departure: Bocca del Creer/ Rifugio Graziani
(Parco Locale del Monte Baldo)
On foot On foot
3 h
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Panorama 
Map with georeferenced itineraryBosco Caproni historical nature trailBosco Caproni historical nature trail
(Parco Fluviale Sarca)
On foot On foot
Great interest: Flora Great interest: History 
Map with georeferenced itineraryBosco Caproni historical nature trailBosco Caproni historical nature trail
(RdR fiume Sarca - basso corso)
On foot On foot
Great interest: Flora Great interest: History 
Map with georeferenced itineraryBusatte Tempesta forestry pathBusatte Tempesta forestry path
(Parco Fluviale Sarca)
On foot On foot
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Panorama 
Map with georeferenced itineraryBusatte Tempesta forestry pathBusatte Tempesta forestry path
(RdR fiume Sarca - basso corso)
On foot On foot
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Panorama 
Map with georeferenced itineraryC. Tour of Tre CimeC. Tour of Tre Cime
Departure: Viote del Bondone
(RdR Bondone)
On foot On foot
Great interest: Flora Great interest: Wildlife Great interest: Panorama 
Map with georeferenced itineraryCalavino trail and its canalsCalavino trail and its canals
Departure: Calavino
(Parco Fluviale Sarca)
On foot On foot
Map with georeferenced itineraryCalavino trail and its canalsCalavino trail and its canals
Departure: Calavino
(RdR fiume Sarca - basso corso)
On foot On foot
Map with georeferenced itinerary Campagnola Path
(Parco Fluviale Sarca)
On foot By bike On foot
Great interest: Panorama 
Map with georeferenced itineraryCampagnola PathCampagnola Path
(RdR fiume Sarca - basso corso)
On foot On foot
Map with georeferenced itineraryCampel Bivouac - StoroCampel Bivouac - Storo
Departure: Bivacco Campel
5 Lap: ALPIEDI: Ledro Alps Trek
(RdR Alpi Ledrensi)
On foot On foot
about 8 hours
Map with georeferenced itineraryCasèt in shortCasèt in short
Short and easy trail in the wood
(RdR Alpi Ledrensi)
On foot On foot
T - Tourist (level)
2 h
Great interest: Wildlife Great interest: Panorama 
Map with georeferenced itineraryCosta di Monte Oliveto Nature TrailCosta di Monte Oliveto Nature Trail
(Parco Fluviale Sarca)
On foot On foot
1 h 30 m
Great interest: Geology 

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