
Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise

At the top of Monte Meta, in the kingdom of the Apennine chamois

A small natural jewel in a remote corner of the mountains

Sunday 30 June 2024

Mount Meta (2242 meters above sea level) marks the border between the regions of Lazio, Abruzzo and Molise, in fact it can be reached from three sides. We will ascend from the Molise side, and descend from the Abruzzo side, completing a complete ring. The panorama is truly unique: the view extends 360° over the mountains of the central Apennines and on clear days you can see the Adriatic and the Tyrrhenian Sea. The large group of chamois that live on the Meta ridge observe hikers on their way and, with a bit of luck, can be admired even from a short distance away; often eagles and griffins can be observed circling in the sky and choughs breaking the silence of the peaks. The Meta is a peak that conquers, a beautiful mountain full of life.


  • Climb to a peak of great beauty, the border of the three regions of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise
  • Admire exceptional views along the way and from the top
  • Observe the area in search of chamois and tracks of wild animals with the help of the guide and listen to his interesting explanations
  • Savor the taste of a real ascent
  • Quench your thirst at a natural spring of very fresh water

📞349 3938773 (Jessica D'Andrea)


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Barrea67030ItalyTowns: Alfedena (AQ), Barrea (AQ), Pescasseroli (AQ)
Province: L'Aquila Region: Abruzzo
Organization: JD Trek
Info Line: 349 3938773
At the top of Monte Meta, in the kingdom of the Apennine chamois
Where to sleep in:
Barrea, Pescasseroli
Where to eat in:
Alfedena, Barrea, Pescasseroli
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