
Books, DVDs, and Gadgets: Fauna

27 Items. Results from no. 21 to no. 27 (Sorting: Category > Item)


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Item Author/s Publisher Category Price Online
 Lo Stambecco
Practical and pocket guidebook
Author/s: AA.VV.
Publisher: Consorzio del Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio, Bormio (SO)
(PN Stelvio)
Maps and Guidebooks5.00 €   
 Ungulati delle Alpi - Biologia - Riconoscimento - Gestione
Author/s: Andrea Mustoni, Luca Pedrotti, Ettore Zanon, Guido Tosi
Publisher: Nitida Immagine Editrice, Cles (TN)
(PN Stelvio)
Books and other Publications35.00 €   
 Uccelli delle aree umide (Birds of the wetlands)
I Quaderni del Parco - Volume 6
Series: I Quaderni del Parco
(PR Oglio Nord)
Books and other Publications5.00 €   
deDer fluss Mincio und die Biodiversität
Die Fischfauna des Mincio muss bekannt sein und geschützt werden.
(PR Mincio)
Brochures and BookletsfreeSkim online through the publication 
 Riserva Naturale Isola Boschina: un chicco di terra nel Po
Storia, fauna e flora di pregio al centro del Grande Fiume. Ostiglia (MN)
(RR Boschi del Giovetto Paline, RR Isola Boschina, RR Monte Alpe, RR Sasso Malascarpa, RR Valle del Prato della Noce, RR Valsolda)
Brochures and Booklets Skim online through the publication 
itThe river Mincio and its biodiversity
The native fish fauna of the Mincio River must be known and protected
(PR Mincio)
Brochures and BookletsfreeSkim online through the publication 
enThe river Mincio and its Biodiversity
The native fish fauna of the Mincio River must be known and protected
(PR Mincio)
Brochures and BookletsfreeSkim online through the publication 

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