
Products: Cheese

Wine and Gastronomy, Agriculture and Territory

Files and itineraries to discover the local gastronomy

The knowledge, enhancement, and promotion of the local cultures and traditions have always been one of the aims of protected areas. A visit to the river and its territory can also represent an occasion to discover the products of the earth and the skillful processing methods our gastronomy can suggest. Po Piemontese Parks Authority offers in these pages useful information to discover a world of flavors enriching your visit to the protected area, combining the safeguard of nature with the economic agricultural activities to promote the collaboration between the Park Authority and the professional agricultural organizations.

Restaurant along the river Po near Valentino Castle
Restaurant along the river Po near Valentino Castle
Found 7 results (Sort order: Category > Product)
Casalborgone Tomino (Tuma)
Definition Casalborgone tuma or tomino is a fat and soft cheese produced with raw cow's milk. The maturation period is short, 1-2 days. The color is white milk, with no rind. It is soft and wet. It has a fragrant taste recalling fresh coagulated milk...
Category: Cheese
Cocconato Robiola
Category: Cheese
Dry Tomino Canavesano
Definition Dry Tomino Canavesano is a fresh and fat cheese based on cow's milk, with an acid-rennet coagulation. It has a raw and compact texture, obtained after a short maturation period of 5-10 days. It has regular and cylindrical shape, flat sides...
Category: Cheese
Fresh Tomino Canavesano
Definition Fresh Tomino Canavesano is a fresh cheese based on cow's milk, with an acid-rennet coagulation. It has a fresh and soft texture, obtained after a short maturation period of 1-2 days. It has regular and cylindrical shape, flat sides with...
Category: Cheese
Hay Cheese
Definition Hay cheese is prepared with whole raw milk. The rounds can weigh from 6 to 8 kilos, are cylindrical and sometimes slightly irregular because they are shaped in a cloth. They have a low lateral side (8-12 cm), prominently convex, and upper and...
Category: Cheese
Rivalta Tomino
Definition Rivalta Tomino is a fat and fresh cheese, with raw texture, produced with whole cow's milk. The shape is cylindrical, rather regular, with flat sides of a diameter of 10cm, lateral side of 10-8 cm in the fresh product, which halves in the...
Category: Cheese
Saronsella Tomino (Chivassotto)
Definition Saronsella Tomino is a fat and soft cheese with white texture, produced with whole cow's milk. It has a cylindrical and tapered shape, round flat sides with a diameter of 8-9cm, low and convex lateral side of about 2 cm, weight of 100 grams....
Category: Cheese
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