Quality Brands Product Category PGI - Protected Geographical Indication Traditional Agri-Foodstuffs
All Sweets Cheese Fruit Liquors and Distilled beverages Honey Vegetables and Legumes Bread Autochthonous Breed and Meat Rice Pasta and Cereals Cold Cuts Truffles Wine Cacioni, Piegoni or Piegati They can be both sweet and savory. They are similar to a semi-lunar big fritter. The covering consis... >> (PN Monti Sibillini ) Sweets Monti Sibillini Pecorino Cheese The Park habitat is ideal for the production of cheese based on sheep milk. In particular, Appennini... >> (PN Monti Sibillini ) Cheese Pecorino Cheese Pecorino cheese include cheese with hard and cooked texture obtained from sheep's milk. They are dif... >> (PR Colfiorito ) Cheese Pink Apples of Sibillini Mountains Pink apples are an ancient species that has always been cultivated in Sibillini Mountains. They are ... >> (PN Monti Sibillini ) Fruit PAT Mistrà In the countryside of the Marches, Mistrà is a traditional
liquor which is produced with green ani... >> (PN Monti Sibillini ) Liquors and Distilled beverages Honey Honey, the "food of the Gods", is probably the most natural food, since it is entirely produced by b... >> (PN Monti Sibillini ) Honey Mixed Flower Honey (or Multiflora or Poliflora) of Conero Park It is obtained from the transformation by bees of the nectar collected from several botanical specie... >> (PR Conero ) Honey PAT Mixed Flowers and Monofloral Honey History The use of honey by man has millenary roots. A foodstuff with a high energetic content, this... >> (PN Gran Sasso ) Honey Colfiorito Lentil Using seed ecotypes of the same quality of Castelluccio di Norcia lentil and not needing parasiticid... >> (PR Colfiorito ) Vegetables and Legumes PAT Colfiorito Red Potato Thanks to environmental characteristics, the red potato has become the product of excellence of the ... >> (PR Colfiorito ) Vegetables and Legumes Lentils Castelluccio plateau lies at an altitude of 1,400m above
sea-level. It is 7 km long and is covered ... >> (PN Monti Sibillini ) Vegetables and Legumes Cheese Pizza It is the classical Easter recipe, widespread almost everywhere in the Marches. It has a round shape... >> (PN Monti Sibillini ) Bread Corn Bread Until the 1930s, in Sibillini there was almost exclusively corn bread. Now it is very difficult to f... >> (PN Monti Sibillini ) Bread Marchigiana Cow The history of Marchigiana cow breed begins in the mid-19th century: from the cross between Podolica... >> (PN Monti Sibillini ) Autochthonous Breed and Meat Sopravissana Sheep Born in the 13th century from the cross between Spanish Merinos rams and Vissane sheep, Sopravvissan... >> (PN Monti Sibillini ) Autochthonous Breed and Meat PAT Spelt Organic product - it does not need plant protection products - from which flour is obtained, in whol... >> (PR Colfiorito ) Rice Pasta and Cereals PAT Ciavuscolo This particular "salami to spread" (also called ciauscolo and ciabuscolo) is the most characteristic... >> (PN Monti Sibillini ) Cold Cuts Fegatino A close relative of ciavuscolo, it is a sort of paté de foie of the poor: the recipes are many, but... >> (PN Monti Sibillini ) Cold Cuts PAT Black Truffle It is commonly called "Tartufo Nero di Norcia e Spoleto" (Norcia and Spoleto Black Truffle). Tuber m... >> (PN Monti Sibillini ) Truffles Rosso Conero The roots of wine production in Marca Dorica (the Conero area) can be dated back to the 10th century... >> (PR Conero ) Wine