Quality Brands Product Category PDO - Protected Designation of Origin Traditional Agri-Foodstuffs Slow Food Presidium Product
All Sweets Cheese Fruit Honey Oil Vegetables and Legumes Bread Fish Cold Cuts Wine Torrone In Calabria, both hard and soft nougats are produced (among them, the so-called cumpittu, covered by... >> (PN Aspromonte ) Sweets PAT Canestrato It can be produced with sheep, goat, cow's milk, or with mixed milk. It usually has a cylindrical sh... >> (PN Aspromonte ) Cheese Ciminà Caciocavallo In Ciminà the caciocavallo is double-headed. It is a small, long and unique cheese, even though it ... >> (PN Aspromonte ) Cheese Goat Cheese of Limina The goat cheese produced on the slopes of Mt. Limina is exclusively obtained from goat's milk. It ha... >> (PN Aspromonte ) Cheese PAT Smoked Ricotta Cheese It has a dark rind - dark beige or brown, sometimes also very dark brown - varying according to the ... >> (PN Aspromonte ) Cheese Bergamot It is a particular citrus fruit because it has never been planted or duplicated elsewhere. Similar t... >> (PN Aspromonte ) Fruit Pollino Honey History: Homemade product, soft, sweet, and with intense fragrances, honey is a simple product chara... >> (PN Pollino ) Honey Carolea, Grossa di Gerace & Co. Cultivars The presence of slopes cultivated with olive trees together with the rests of several olive presses ... >> (PN Aspromonte ) Oil Extra-virgin Olive Oil The olive tree cultivation is widespread in the whole Park area, where an important function of hydr... >> (PN Pollino ) Oil Aspromonte Potato Roasted in the oven or char-grilled, an ideal side dish for kid meat or in the soup with onions, pot... >> (PN Aspromonte ) Vegetables and Legumes Pappaluni Light green, brownish, yellow ochre and scattered with reddish specks, or big and white: they are pa... >> (PN Aspromonte ) Vegetables and Legumes Bread a scanata Production features: Homemade bread is obtained mixing three common wheat flours (Cappelli, Carosell... >> (PN Pollino ) Bread Freselle History: "Dried bread" that can be preserved for some time, frese or freselle have various shapes: f... >> (PN Pollino ) Bread PAT Taralli History: Mainly used in the past for family consumption, the tarallo is obtained with poor products ... >> (PN Pollino ) Bread Wheat Bread Here, like in the whole Calabria region and in Southern Italy in
general, it is easy to find bakeri... >> (PN Aspromonte ) Bread Stockfish The stockfish, "a fish reaching places where there is no sea", has always been a popular product in ... >> (PN Aspromonte ) Fish Bacon Production features: Bacon is obtained from the front section of the chest.
Territory: Pollino Na... >> (PN Pollino ) Cold Cuts Capocollo Capocollo, which has in Calabria also a PDO version, is a cold cut made with loin or pork shoulder. ... >> (PN Aspromonte ) Cold Cuts Capocollo Production features: It is obtained from the pork neck, which represents the exclusive cut to prepar... >> (PN Pollino ) Cold Cuts Capocollo of Calabria PDO Capocollo of Calabria PDO, another cause of pride for Calabria, is prepared using the meat obtained ... >> (PN Sila ) Cold Cuts