Quality Brands Product Category PDO - Protected Designation of Origin PGI - Protected Geographical Indication Traditional Agri-Foodstuffs BIO - Organic Farming Slow Food Presidium Product
All Preserves Cheese Liquors and Distilled beverages Honey Oil Vegetables and Legumes Bread Autochthonous Breed and Meat Rice Pasta and Cereals Cold Cuts Beans and Sweet Peppers
Territory: Pollino National Park, Lucanian slope
Size/Weight: jar of 280g
Consistency: creamy
... >> (PN Pollino ) Preserves Dried and Fried Sweet Peppers
Territory: Pollino National Park, Lucanian slope
Size/Weight: jar of 400g
Consistency: crunchy
... >> (PN Pollino ) Preserves Green Tomato in Oil
Territory: Pollino National Park, Lucanian slope
Size/Weight: jar of 180 g
Consistency: tough
P... >> (PN Pollino ) Preserves King Trumpet Mushrooms in Extra-virgin Olive Oil
Territory: Pollino National Park
Size/Weight: jar of 280g
Consistency: horny
Production period... >> (PN Pollino ) Preserves Lampascioni and Dried Sweet Peppers
Territory: Pollino National Park, Lucanian slope
Size/Weight: jar of 280g
Consistency: tough and... >> (PN Pollino ) Preserves Minced Spicy Chili Pepper in Oil History: Chili pepper species are several, but the most used and known are five. Without a doubt, th... >> (PN Pollino ) Preserves PAT Ndussa Production features: The preparation of ndussa consists of the stages of selection, curing, washing,... >> (PN Pollino ) Preserves Pollino Jam History: exclusively handmade products, jam are obtained processing spontaneous fruits collected by ... >> (PN Pollino ) Preserves Roasted Sweet Peppers in Oil
Territory: Pollino National Park
Size/Weight: jar of 180g
Consistency: soft and delicate
Produc... >> (PN Pollino ) Preserves White Eggplant Roulade
Territory: Pollino National Park, Lucanian slope
Size/Weight: jar of 180g
Consistency: tough
Pr... >> (PN Pollino ) Preserves PAT Cacioricotta Production features: Goat's milk is brought to a temperature of 90°C. When the temperature diminish... >> (PN Pollino ) Cheese PAT Goat's Milk Cheese (Caprino) History: As for pecorino cheese, also the origins of goat's milk cheese processing in the area of Po... >> (PN Pollino ) Cheese PAT Paddaccio Production features: The product is obtained from the processing of milk coming from sheep and goats... >> (PN Pollino ) Cheese PAT Raw Milk Pecorino Cheese Production features: The milk is heated to a temperature of 38/39°C. At this temperature, lamb's or... >> (PN Pollino ) Cheese Salty Ricotta Ricotta is one of the most ancient cheese, very widespread for its low cost and because it is easy t... >> (PN Pollino ) Cheese PAT Sheep-Goat's Milk Cheese History: In the Park area, the origin of sheep-goat's milk cheese depended on the lack of great quan... >> (PN Pollino ) Cheese Liquors with Raw Materials from Pollino Production features: The products are obtained from spontaneous fruits processed with manual methods... >> (PN Pollino ) Liquors and Distilled beverages Pollino Honey History: Homemade product, soft, sweet, and with intense fragrances, honey is a simple product chara... >> (PN Pollino ) Honey Extra-virgin Olive Oil The olive tree cultivation is widespread in the whole Park area, where an important function of hydr... >> (PN Pollino ) Oil PAT Ribbed Tomato History: Ribbed tomato is used fresh, in salad or on toasted bread. Before the industrial cultivar b... >> (PN Pollino ) Vegetables and Legumes